Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good English SMS

1.     Thank you for your colors,

Thank you leaves, for being here
This fall and crispy day
Thank you leaves, for bringing me
This joy along your way
Thank you for your colors,
So beautiful and bright
The reds and yellows, browns and gold
So gorgeous in my sight!
Thank you for the scents you make
Like teas and sweet molasses,
In Autumn’s kitchen brewing
With every breath I take
Thank you for [...]

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

2.     But till now you are quiet…

My heart says that you like me,
My eyes says that you feel something for me,
My mind says that you think of me,
But till now you are quiet…

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

3.     Don’t compare love with glass

Don’t compare love with glass
Where crack can’t be repaired
Compare love with the travel
Which doesn’t have any fare.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

4.     U & ME laughing,

One day you’ll be surprised to see ME beside U.
U & ME laughing,
U & ME crying,
U & ME dreaming,
U & ME holding on,
U & ME…
just U & ME sitting in a MENTAL HOSPITAL & ME CHECKING U.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

5.     Love don’t asks “Who are you?”

Love don’t asks “Who are you?”
Love only says “You are mine!”
Love don’t asks “Where are you from?”
Love only says ” You live in my heart!”
Love don’t asks “What do you do?”
Love only says “You make my heart to beat!”
Love don’t asks “Why are you faraway?”
Love only says “You are always with me!”

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

6.     Please remind me to remind you

Please remind me to remind you about reminding
Me to send you this reminder that reminds me of
Reminding you that I AM THERE FOR YOU. Don’t forget.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

7.     “Call for backup.”

A police recruit was asked during exam, “What would u do if u had to arrest ur own mother?” He said, “Call for backup.”

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

8.     Well wisher is not the one who meets U,

Well wisher is not the one who meets U,
And talk with you every day,
Well wishers is the one who may or may not meet U,
But always think of U and your happiness.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

9.     And that’s why we make friends,

Life is short but it’s very difficult to spend alone,
We need someone with whom we can share our feelings,
And that’s why we make friends,
I’m thankful to god becoz he has give me a friend like U.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

10. U & ME…

One day you’ll be surprised to see ME beside U.
U & ME laughing,
U & ME crying,
U & ME dreaming,
U & ME holding on,
U & ME…

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

11. Love is like want

Love is like want
Appears one after the other
One satisfy other replace it
But resources r limited.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

12. How long will you be special to me?

How long will you be special to me?
As long as the stars twinkle in the sky,
As long as angels are there up high,
Till the ocean run dry and till the day i die.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

13. The circumstances are.

A tru frend are those who are there for you unconditionally.
Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what
The circumstances are.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

14. We are all the human race

We are all the human race
and humans make mistakes
and the reason being
God made us not perfect
the world would find peace if we all understood
That Plan
the reason for forgivness is for us
to let go
and become us again
and live outside ourselves
it is how we gradually appreciate living again
to let go The Wrongs just to
The Rights
is accomplished

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

15. Created me for you to love.

I do believe that god above
Created me for you to love.
He picked you out among the rest
Because he knows I’d love you the best

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

16. My visits to you, in a thought

Though time and miles stretch between us
With contentment, I’ve found what i sought
As i smile and sigh in Remembering
My visits to you, in a thought

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

17. Best friends are the people worth living for.

True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally.
Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what
The circumstances are.
Best friends are the people worth living for.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

18. Never have I fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest
I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight
Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That [...]

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

19. Be close to some one

Be close to some one who makes you happy
But be closer to someone who can’t be happy without you

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

20. I wish you only knew

Good Things Never Last
Where did inspiration go?
Was it lost in transaction?
Is it hiding behind painful smiles
or mediocre fashion?
I don’t know when my eyes got dull
or when I got confused,
but my thoughts keep taking me right back
to the absense of my muse.
I’m looking for the answers
‘twixt cliches and nicotine,
Wishing for the impossible
and dwelling on my dreams
I [...]

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

21. Alone? I am beside.

Alone? I am beside.
Afraid? I will comfort u.
Hurt? U may cry on my shoulder.
Need a hug? My arms r urs. Asking why!!
Coz u r special & will be forever…!

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

22. Black rose for an enemy.

Black rose for an enemy.
White rose for peace.
Red rose for love.
Pink rose for a close friend.
Yellow rose for a new friend.
Now which one I can deserve for You

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

23. This is a moon which learns from you

This is a moon which learns from you,
That is a sun which respects you,
There are stars which shine for you,
And here… It’s me who live for you.

Text message filed under ENGLISH SMS.

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